Heat Pumps

Heat Pumps

When you think about cooling or heating a space or a water volume, it’s likely that Air-condition and boiler are the first things that pop up to our mind. But when we take energy efficiency and running cost into consideration, we find out that the heat pump is a way much better option for both heating and cooling. Simply put, a heat pump is a device that uses a small amount of energy to move heat from one location to another. Heat pumps are typically used to pull heat out of the air or ground to heat up water or ambient environment, but they can be reversed too for cooling activity. Heat pumps also work extremely efficiently, because they simply transfer heat rather than burn fuel. This makes them up to 50% more efficient than normal HVAC systems. Smart Age heat pumps can extract their energy from air, water, or underground to meet the toughest site constraints.

Air Sourced Heat Pumps are best used for Hot Water production, hence can be a perfect option for floor heating and pool heating applications



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