Envelope Treatment
“A leaking cup will never get full”
Espousing the holistic eye, we always urge our customers to close the leaks before attempting to invest in a new energy saving measure. For this purpose, treating the outer envelope of a given site should be a prerequisite for any energy saving measure to be adopted within this volume.
Once we approach a new site, our specialized engineers will examine the existing thermal envelope to reveal its efficiency then propose corrective actions if needed. Our inspections can cover insulations the walls, ceilings, floors, glass, and even the HVAC piping of the facility. In our study, we analyze and subdivide large sites into several sectors or blocks for insulation treatment according to their usage application and to their heating or cooling exchange with the surroundings. We then consider the various insulation material in the market and match their coefficient of heat retention (U-Value) with the payback and savings they promise, to finally come up with the best insulation technique to apply.