1- We believe in what we offer
Our mission focuses on offering energy cost reduction solutions to enhance the wellbeing of our clients and the environment. We know our capacities and have the competency and knowhow to select only the right solutions for the right applications. We only promise what we can deliver, and deliver what we promise.
2- We prioritize Safety
Our mission statement stresses on the word “wellbeing”. Though we take care of all details, we are extra keen to prioritize risks and preventive actions on what we know cannot be repaired or regenerated, which is the “wellbeing” of our clients and ourselves! Safety is a priority in every action or plan we perform. We follow stringent standards for safety all along the phases of the project. We make sure to offer a safe solution, install in a safe manner, and communicate a safe operation instruction to our clients.
3- We play by the law
We know our rights and duties by heart, and fulfil the legal requirements to the best extent. We keep track to deliver all legal dues on time, and preserve up-to-date legal documentations. We also make sure our entire business operates under the laws of our country and the countries of the parties we deal with.
4- We respect the rules of the game
We enjoy our work to the extent of calling it a game. We believe that winning starts and remains by respecting the players involved all along the way. We respect our country, our clients, our suppliers, and each other, in terms of policies, regulations, preferences, race, religion and difference. What is more challenging is to respect our competitors. We realize that we may share the same clients, a bit of the mission, and the same country, so it is a duty to share respect. After all, without competition the so-called game
5- We long for knowledge
Back to the mission, we offer “optimal solutions” rather than merely products and services. An optimal solution is a result of intensive thoughts for optimizing the objective output. Optimization shall be based on deep knowledge of the problems and alternative tools available to create the solutions. We know that knowledge is the heart of our business hence commit to build and maintain a knowledge database of the products, projects, and experiences we attain along the way. We also commit to continually seek and acquire more knowledge by delving in various pools of education such as trainings, seminars, technology, and research.
6- We put the cherries on the cake
If all can do the cake, we can still stand out by the extra cherries that we offer. We care for the details, as a means to reflect our professionalism and passion for perfection. Applying that on all levels, we care to have a nice looking and ergonomic office. We care about how we present ourselves to clients & suppliers and how they perceive us in return. We care to have impeccable documentations from emails to quotes to brochures to manuals and invoices. Most importantly, we care about the aesthetics of our installations, to the extent that we replace the word “installing” by “painting”.
7- We run the extra miles
Customer satisfaction may seem a cliché objective, but we know and admit it is not easy to attain. Competition makes the objective even harder to achieve, whereby the client is only satisfied if he believes he received the best package possible compared to what others can offer. We are always willing to run the extra miles to pamper our clients and ensure they have a splendid overall experience exceeding their expectations and generating positive word of mouth.
8- We align
What others call communication, we call alignment. We believe the objective of a constructive communication is to deliver a sound alignment on all levels, from a specific task to an entire set of processes. We adopt alignment to govern all our business model to make sure we work in harmony and unified direction. This has a tangible positive impact on the overall business quality, whereby it reduces work flaws and ensures all internal and external parties enjoy a pleasantly unique experience with the company.
9- We put Smart Age first
We believe we are on the same plane regardless of personal objectives, dreams and desires. Only and only the plane can fly, neither the captain alone nor the crew. We do all what we do to keep the plane flying in the right speed, altitude, and direction, to a destination we all agree upon. Applying that to reality, we always weigh and adopt only the decisions and actions that align with the benefits of the company, the plane, to share the fruits of success.
10- We believe in the survival of the fittest
Only the fit can make it. We exercise every day by devoting the needed time and money to operate and maintain the above policies through a sustainable total quality management system. We always aim for improvement to capture and digest the challenging market dynamics. We commit to invest in the right resources to maintain a solid platform for the business we operate, and to enhance the performance and experiences of all internal and external parties involved. With those polices in practice, we make sure to stand to our motto: we do it smarter!